Sinterit Lisa X

Ένας νέος, πολύ ταχύτερος compact SLS 3D printer. O Sinterit Lisa X προσφέρει ταχύτατη εκτύπωση σε μεγάλες διαστάσεις και πρόσβαση σε πλήρη γκάμα υλικών και ανοιχτές παραμέτρους εκτύπωσης. Σχεδιασμένος για να σας παρέχει την ελευθερία να καινοτομείτε.
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας
Τεχνολογία 3D Printing
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
Μέγιστo Μέγεθος Εκτύπωσης
130x180x330 mm
Ύψος Layer
75 - 175 microns

Key advantages of the Lisa X

Industrial speed
Build speed of up to 14 mm/h – most jobs are printed within 24 hours. With the ability to print up to five print beds per week, you will prototype and iterate faster.

Larger build volume
With a bed measuring 130 x 180 x 330 mm, the Lisa X is the largest compact SLS printer in our arsenal. You can print more elements or larger objects.
A wide range of materials
Nine materials, from ultra-durable, flexible materials to more specialized ones like ESD powder. With so many possible materials to use, the range of applications is enormous.
Open printing system
No pre-defined parameters and a wide range of compatible materials. Choose from our compatible materials, or pick your own. For even more flexibility, you can also change our recommended printing settings.

Εικόνα για την κατηγορία Key advantages of the Lisa X

Key advantages of the Lisa X (continued)

Printing and cooling time
The Lisa X’s printing and cooling time is up to 40% shorter than any other SLS compact printer on the market

Ergonomic operation
With the Lisa X, the materials can be changed in 15 minutes and the cooldown times are short. This machine is a simple-to-use, complete solution.

Great printing quality
With the Lisa X, you don’t have to sacrifice quality to achieve results faster. When you see the quality of the prints, you’ll be amazed that they also saved you time

32 open printing parameters
The open software enables you to change and fine-tune an array of 32 printing parameters, design the shapes you need, and discover unique properties in your prints.

Εικόνα για την κατηγορία Key advantages of the Lisa X (continued)
Τεχνολογία 3D Printing Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
Ύψος Layer 75 - 175 microns
Υποστηριζόμενα Αρχεία STL, OBJ, 3DS, FBX, DAE, 3MF
Δωρεάν Software εκτύπωσης ΝΑΙ
Προϊόντα της ίδιας κατηγορίας